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As A Service (CaaS)

Applied Integration as a Partner in Getting and Keeping Your Business Industry Compliant.

In today’s digital age, cyber threats and data breaches are more common than ever. As a business owner, it is important to have the right security protocols in place to protect your organization from these threats. One of the best ways to stay secure is by using a managed service provider (MSP) to help implement the necessary protocols to remain compliant with your industry's requirements. 

Let’s dive into what compliance as a service means and how we can help you get there.


Compliance as a service (CaaS) is an all-in-one solution that provides businesses with the necessary tools and resources to ensure they meet their security requirements for industry compliance. It includes everything from consulting services and risk assessments, to vulnerability management and regulatory compliance. By taking advantage of CaaS, business owners can ensure that their network security meets all requirements, which is necessary to get and stay compliant.

Implementing Required Security Protocols Can Feel Overwhelming. 


An MSP can provide invaluable assistance when it comes to implementing cybersecurity protocols in your business. We will use our expertise and experience in technology solutions to create a tailored approach that meets your needs and budget. From setting up firewalls and antivirus software, to configuring user access controls and monitoring systems—we can help you create a comprehensive security plan that will keep your data safe while also meeting any applicable compliance regulations. Additionally, we offer 24/7 support services so you are always covered should any issues arise.  

Person Analyzing Data

CaaS Services We Offer

The Applied experts will fill out any compliance forms required. This one is HUGE.  Some of these compliance requirements contain upwards of 100 security protocols that need to be implemented and documented. 

Applied Integration can help to assess your organization's current security posture and identify areas of improvement.

Applied Integration can help to implement security protocols and procedures that are tailored to your organization's specific needs.

Applied Integration can help to monitor your network for potential security threats and respond quickly if an incident does occur.

Applied Integration can help to educate your staff on best practices for security and data privacy.

Did You Know That Cyber Insurance Compliance Requires Most of These Protocols Too. 

Security Posture

Applied Integration can help to assess your organization's current security posture and identify areas of improvement.

Applied Integration is a market-leading managed service provider (MSP) empowering businesses of various sizes to both simplify and manage the complexities of IT operations. Applied Integration's Compliance as a Service offering is an essential solution for any organization, allowing them to effectively assess their current security parameters and pinpoint accurate areas of improvement. Our team of professionals goes beyond assessing vulnerabilities—we also strive to provide our clients with best practices for ongoing risk management. Applied Integration makes it easier for businesses to meet the necessary compliance standards and stay secure without sacrificing valuable resources. It's our mission to empower companies with the information needed for proper protection so that day-to-day operations can remain uninterrupted and secure.

Applied Integration can help to implement security protocols and procedures that are tailored to your organization's specific needs.

Implement Protocols

By leveraging Compliance as a Service, Applied Integration’s experienced professionals can assist organizations in effectively designing, implementing, and executing security protocols and procedures specifically tailored to their individual needs. Applied Integration offers access to experts, who are up-to-date on the most rigorous audit requirements, enabling organizations to achieve robust compliance without compromising on security.

Applied Integration can help to monitor your network for potential security threats and respond quickly if an incident does occur.


Compliance as a Service that can help protect your critical data and assets from security threats, as well as minimize the impact of an incident when one does occur. Applied Integration is dedicated to providing comprehensive coverage for networks of all sizes and complexities by utilizing our suite of monitoring, alerting and response services. Applied Integration’s Compliance as a Service will help organizations be proactive in their cyber security efforts and ensure they remain compliant with industry regulations. Applied Integration is the go-to resource for organizations who want a reliable and efficient way to protect their networks from security threats.

Applied Integration can help to educate your staff on best practices for security and data privacy.


An experienced team of MSP consultants can provide education to your staff on security best practices. Our services will equip individuals with the knowledge needed for optimal compliance in the workplace, as well as peace of mind for stakeholders invested in the business. Applied Integration is dedicated to helping businesses stay at their best and meet industry standards.

Contact Us

Applied Integration is an established managed IT service provider with a distinguished record. Our clients have seen significant benefits to working with us - improved productivity, optimized operations, and cost savings. We specialize in providing comprehensive solutions that take all aspects of your technology into account, ensuring reliable performance and system stability. We understand that for any business, their IT operations are essential for success; Applied Integration offers reliable technical support and pro-active monitoring to mitigate disruption and problems before they become costly issues. As a successful Managed IT Service Provider, Applied Integration is trusted by businesses who want the best possible outcomes from their IT investments.

4516 S 700 East, Suite 150, Murray, UT 84106

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